02 November 2011


A fantastic month for so many reasons. One of the more interesting reasons though, is the now-twelfth year of NaNoWriMo, an annual event sponsored by the Office of Letters and Light. The challenge is to complete a literary marathon - write a 50,000 word novel in the span of a month. A tall order indeed.

Writing a novel would be interesting and great, and writing it here, serially would be even more interesting; unfortunately, the practical challenges of getting a short-lived attention span to stay laser-focused on one story for a handful of days would be nigh insurmountable, let alone a month 1.

But the spirit of the challenge is incredibly interesting. And for the next thirty days I will be writing some sort of piece and posting it. Thoughts, short stories, technical papers, you name it. It will be a November thick with ink.

Feel free to stop by.

  1. I realize that this may very well be the exact reason why this challenge exists; to overcome this particular boundary. Nevertheless, I’m not particularly interested in subjecting myself, or anyone else for that matter, to the melodramatic, Spanish soap opera horseshit that I would inevitably spew. ↩

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