
I don’t want your money. Not that I wouldn’t hesitate to take it, but I’m thoroughly convinced that if you're serious about helping out, there’s so much more you can do. First, I’d love to hear from you, in whatever way you’re most comfortable getting a hold of me. It’s always nice to get affirmation that someone enjoys what you’re doing. I must warn you though, that if you’re looking for a quick response, you may be out of luck: I’m slow as hell when it comes to reply to things of importance. But, I will eventually respond, so be patient, please.
Second, if you’re like me and you love to tinker, be it in our head or with your hands, let me know. Your ideas are more than appreciated; they will undoubtedly be needed at some point. And if hands-on work is more your thing, let me know. It might be tough to get you here work side-by-side with me, but I have no issues with outsourcing experimentation to interested parties.

Most importantly, if you’re a little shy, or if you’re busy, or whatever the reason, the biggest thing you can do is be an avid site-checker. I hope to update this site more or less daily, which means you should feel free to visit more or less daily. If you’re up for it, maybe you can even comment. If not, that’s cool too. I do hope you enjoy, and that I’ll be interesting enough for you, dear reader, to come back frequently.