21 June 2011

This Is Why I Write

The truth is I don’t do it for you. Nor do I do it to make money, nor for widely acclaimed fame, or to impress a beautiful girl. That isn’t to say I don’t hope you thoroughly enjoy my writing. That isn’t to say I would happy if my writing made me millions of dollars. That isn’t to say I would be upset if my writing made me famous. And I certainly would love it if my writing impressed a gorgeous woman.

But that’s not why I do this. I do it for me.

I think a lot of beginning writers have the highest of aspirations. Having read the Hemingways, the Twains, the Kings, they believe that by penning a few words, they can touch the hearts of millions. But writing doesn’t work that way.

Do yourself a favor, and have an audience of one. And when you think you’ve changed your own heart, expand your audience to two. And if you can successfully manage two, millions will follow.

We can only know others by knowing ourselves.

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