29 October 2011

Steve Jobs

A marvelous story. A good book; certainly best executed when it drilled down to it’s namesake. And a misaligned ending - just one chapter too long. Steve’s book, just like his life, should have ended in climax, not denoument. Disappointing, but in precisely the way a biography about him should be. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.” Couldn’t agree more.

Very highly recommended.

24 October 2011

New Look, Old School OR Going Analogue Like Every Other Goddamn Hipster

“What do you mean PowerPoint presentation? You want a goddamn high-tech lecture? Give me a piece of chalk and a dusty piece of slate, you pretentious engineer!” -Overheard at math departments around the country.

As an astute, OCD-possessed visitor of these pages,1 you’ll no doubt notice that a lot has changed on this site – typography, colour, and my personal favourite, a very large, chunky header, a throw back to the reason this site is named the way it is.

I think that when it comes to making things, it isn’t the monumental changes that hold people back from greatness; it’s the tiny little things that peck away at our occipital lobes, constantly reminding us that something is wrong, but never quite bubbling to the forground exactly what that thing is. The devil is in the details, the difference maker between accomplishing what your meant to accomplish, what you feel you’re meant to do. It’s about finding that optimal path, stripping away every little bit of what bothers you, finding what direction you’re meant to travel, and on what tread, so you can focus on what you’re meant to do.

It’s about finding focus. It’s about finding meaning. It’s about details.

So I’ve changed things up onsite here; fall cleaning if you will. Making some changes that I think will let me enjoy posting here more thoroughly, and hopefully make visiting more enjoyable. While I don’t think the prior configuration was awful by any means, I just felt it wasn’t me; it was somebody else’s vision of what my writing should be displayed as. In the back of my head, there was something saying that this was not how my writing should be presented.

This is. For now at least.

In keeping in line with the old wedding adage 2 I’vealso gone entirely old-school with the way I write and organize in my life; from the posts on this site to my note-taking for my classes. It’s extremely refreshing, and honestly an absolute joy, to see the barely-contained curvatures of my writing. There’s just no real comparison between the mechanical act of typing on a keyboard and the fluidity of putting thought into ink, the click and clack of the segregated letters versus the swoosh and scratch of unified words.

I think it’s simple really. Donate to your local Sierra Club. Pick up a set of comp notebooks and one hell of a good pen. And get unstuck.

  1. You have been here before, right? ↩

  2. Something borrowed? Every quote at the start of my writing. Something blue? Well, close enough. ↩